The call "beauty" comes from what you see in others and you like.
Beauty comes from what we define like " Divas". What they wear, their hair, the colors they use... everything on them is perfect.
What we have to do in our life is just adapt that "diva" to our body, to our personality, to our way to live.
The biggest problem is the "courage" to start!!!! But doesn't have to be like that.
Everyone can be helped :)
A personal stylist, a image consulting is someone that study for that. Someone that knows what to use in each occasion, what color is the best for you according your body characteristics, what hair makes you fell more confident , what clothes you should have in your closet to make
it easier to dress every day, and most important what you CAN´T wear or have on your closet.
Start changing today!!!! CHANGE what you dont like in you. You can start with your weight, your closet, your hair... you chose. Changing is one of the most difficult thing that you can do in your life, but can be the most satisfactory one.
Start now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!